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  16 04 * • EN ► FINED FOR PRAYING THE ROSARY * Megbüntették mert imádkozta a Rózsafűzért. (Ausztrália)   ► | |
  2016 04 15 * EIGHT Canberra Catholics, including a priest of the Archdiocese, received an official police warning on April 15 for allegedly breaching the exclusion zone around the ACT Health Centre in Civic.     The group, which has held weekly pro-life prayer vigils outside the facility for more than 17 years, was gathered outside PJ O'Reilly's Irish Pub on West Row when police asked them to move elsewhere.
  Seventy-five-year-old Kerry Mellor decided not to move from the location, and was consequently fined $750.
Auszráliában 750 dollárra megbüntettek egy idős hölgyet mert a RÓZSAFÅ°ZÉRT imédkozta egy abortusz klinika közelében.


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